Likert Scale Survey: from googleform to #rstats graph

Many Biology students are interested in science communication or the public understanding of science and undertake projects in these areas.

They often conduct surveys which include Likert-scale questions.

This workflow will teach you how to set up a Google Forms survey with Likert scale questions, read the responses in to R and report on the results.

It uses the packages googlesheets (Bryan and Zhao, 2018) and likert (Bryer and Speerschneider, 2016).

These slides take you through the process.


13 thoughts on “Likert Scale Survey: from googleform to #rstats graph”

  1. Really very useful! Got a ton of forms with likert data I just visualized per response. The workflow is so convenient, I’m going to go over them and see how much more can be done.

    Thanks for this!


  2. I have struggled but it gives this output, can you please help, thanks
    colsummary summary(colsummary)
    Item low neutral high mean sd
    1 Green is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    2 Purple is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    3 Yellow is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    4 Blue is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    5 Yellow is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA


  3. this I sorted out by using `
    but now Warning message:
    In likert(coloursurveydf) :
    items parameter contains non-factors. Will convert to factors
    > summary(colsummary)
    Item low neutral high mean sd
    1 Green is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    2 Purple is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    3 Yellow is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    4 Blue is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA
    5 Yellow is a great colour 0 0 0 NaN NA


    1. I would guess that you might have a typo in the variable names in the code on slide 16. Also check that you used back ticks ( ` ) not ( ‘ )
      Check what is in coloursurveydf with
      You should have only the four variables. Additional variables would be created if the name just inside mutate isn’t the same as the one just inside factor in each case


  4. sorry but thie error comes again and again
    can you please help as I want to make likert charts on my scientific survey data, thanks.
    or can you please post he R commands so that I can check, thanks

    > str(coloursurveydf)
    ‘data.frame’: 9 obs. of 4 variables:
    $ Blue is a great colour : chr “Strongly disagree” “Agree” “Strongly disagree” “Neither agree nor disagree” …
    $ Green is a great colour : chr “Disagree” “Neither agree nor disagree” “Strongly disagree” “Neither agree nor disagree” …
    $ Purple is a great colour : chr “Neither agree nor disagree” “Disagree” “Strongly disagree” “Neither agree nor disagree” …
    $ Yellow is a great colour: chr “Agree” “Strongly disagree” “Strongly disagree” “Neither agree nor disagree” …
    > coloursurveydf %
    + mutate (`Blue is a great colour` = factor(`Blue is a great colour`,
    + levels = my_levels),
    + `Green is a great colour` = factor(`Green is a great colour`,
    + levels = my_levels),
    + `Purple is a great colour` = factor(`Purple is a great colour`,
    + levels = my_levels),
    + `Yellow is a great colour` = factor(`Yellow is a great colour`,
    + levels = my_levels))
    Error in factor(`Yellow is a great colour`, levels = my_levels) :
    object ‘Yellow is a great colour’ not found


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